Maintenance of Omnibus

After Antina G and María del Carmen have passed their maintenance now is the turn of Omnibus. This boat,thatis, 19 meters in length, was inaugurated in 2000, and was the second Golondrina of the new generation, 3 years after the inauguration of Trimar.

These new Las Golondrinas are made of fiberglass, not wood, so the maintenance, controls and revisions applied to them are different from those of the traditional Golondrina. This year in addition to the annual inspection, the cleaning of the hull and the tuning of the engines, we have used this time to repaint it as well.

For the painting process we go to the company Fibra Náutica, professionals of the sector. This type of boats is always covered first with a protective tent (as you can see in one of the images). This prevents the entrance of impurities and allows calibrating the temperature with which the paint will be applied, and thus a perfect finish is obtained. After applying a primer coat apply the two layers of final paint.

After all the process, we have ready the Omnibus again so that we can continue taking on board people on trips BARCELONA PORT 40min by the port of Barcelona and on the route BARCELONA MAR 1h30min along the beaches of the city and its skyline.



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